chemical_reaction from 197871 on Sybil

For readability purposes, the following strings were filtered out:

  • /datum/chemical_reaction/
Reaction Attempted Number of Attempts
/datum/reagent/smoke_powder 1230
nitrous_oxide total reaction steps 228
ammonia total reaction steps 194
oil total reaction steps 87
medicine/probital total reaction steps 80
water total reaction steps 78
medicine/aiuri total reaction steps 71
ammonia attempts 50
acetone total reaction steps 49
/datum/reagent/blood 22.25
/datum/reagent/mutationtoxin/jelly 20
phenol total reaction steps 13
ash total reaction steps 12
drink/gargle_blaster total reaction steps 12
drink/hippiesdelight attempts 12
drink/greenbeer2 attempts 11
oil attempts 10
medicine/libital total reaction steps 9
drink/bananahonk total reaction steps 6
nitrous_oxide attempts 6
water attempts 6
virus_food attempts 6
drink/gargle_blaster attempts 4
acetone attempts 4
drink/spacebeer attempts 4
medicine/aiuri attempts 3
drink/irishcarbomb attempts 3
ash attempts 2
medicine/probital attempts 2
drink/bilk attempts 2
drink/greenbeer attempts 2
drink/screwdriver attempts 2
drink/screwdriver total reaction steps 2
drink/bananahonk attempts 1
drink/sake attempts 1
drink/irish_cream attempts 1
drink/moonshine attempts 1
phenol attempts 1
medicine/libital attempts 1
drink/pina_colada attempts 1
Total Attempts 2249