chemical_reaction from 217289 on Manuel

For readability purposes, the following strings were filtered out:

  • /datum/chemical_reaction/
Reaction Attempted Number of Attempts
firefighting_foam total reaction steps 517
medicine/inacusiate total reaction steps 84
medicine/sal_acid total reaction steps 63
/datum/reagent/fluorosurfactant 50
water total reaction steps 41
oil total reaction steps 40
phenol total reaction steps 38
medicine/oxandrolone total reaction steps 35
medicine/psicodine total reaction steps 33
medicine/salbutamol total reaction steps 30
mutagen total reaction steps 27
barbers_aid total reaction steps 24
food/soup/mushroomsoup total reaction steps 23
medicine/mannitol total reaction steps 21
space_drugs total reaction steps 16
/datum/reagent/mutationtoxin/lizard 15
fentanyl total reaction steps 15
medicine/seiver total reaction steps 14
pumpup attempts 14
ammonia total reaction steps 12
stabilizing_agent total reaction steps 11
carpet total reaction steps 8
/datum/reagent/blood 7.3155
firefighting_foam attempts 6
water attempts 6
food/pancakebatter attempts 6
space_cleaner total reaction steps 5
impedrezene attempts 5
impedrezene total reaction steps 5
drink/screwdriver attempts 4
pumpup total reaction steps 4
medicine/psicodine attempts 3
oil attempts 2
phenol attempts 2
medicine/sal_acid attempts 2
ammonia attempts 2
medicine/oxandrolone attempts 2
drink/thirteenloko attempts 2
fentanyl attempts 2
space_drugs attempts 2
drink/quadruplesec total reaction steps 2
mutagen attempts 2
medicine/salbutamol attempts 1
medicine/seiver attempts 1
space_cleaner attempts 1
medicine/mannitol attempts 1
stabilizing_agent attempts 1
carpet attempts 1
barbers_aid attempts 1
drink/triple_citrus attempts 1
drink/quadruplesec attempts 1
food/soup/mushroomsoup attempts 1
drink/bloody_mary attempts 1
medicine/inacusiate attempts 1
Total Attempts 1214