station_mess_destroyed from 227809 on Terry
What How Many
blood 759
footprints 390
drips of blood 202
dried footprints 164
dirt 111
gibs 105
dried blood 77
dust 73
ashes 73
blood splatter 67
rotting gibs 43
motor oil 28
tiny shards 16
space ants 11
vomit 10
pool of fuel 9
wrapping shreds 7
xeno blood 7
Lollipop 6
xeno gibs 6
Gumball 5
robot debris 5
gooey grey mass 4
insect guts 3
smashed pie 2
crusty dried vomit 2
Sticko box 2
foam dart 2
graffiti 1
waffles tray 1
Scaredy's Private Reserve Beef Jerky 1
candy 1
Total 2193