Byond Account Registered | First Seen | Last Seen |
2019-08-15 | 2019-11-02 09:52:30 | 2024-08-28 12:18:08 |
Basic Information
Achievements Unlocked
Don't worry, metagaming is all that matters.
Maintenance Pills Consumed
Wait why?
How Do I Switch Hands???
If you saw someone casually club themselves upside the head with a toolbox anywhere in the galaxy but here, you'd probably be pretty concerned for them.
Mister Sandman
Mechanically speaking, there's no real benefit to being unconscious during surgery. Weird how insistent this doctor is about using the N2O anyway though, huh?
My Watchlist Status is Not Important
You may be under the impression that violent video games are a harmless pastime, but the security and medical personnel swarming your location with batons and knockout gas look like they disagree.
Perfect chemistry blossom
Passed the chemistry tutorial with perfect purity!
Rule 8
Call an admin this is ILLEGAL!!
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