Byond Account Registered | First Seen | Last Seen |
2019-12-22 | 2022-03-18 22:04:22 | 2024-12-16 22:52:24 |
Basic Information
Achievements Unlocked
Don't worry, metagaming is all that matters.
Blood-Drunk Miners Killed
You've killed HOW many?
Bosses Killed
You've killed HOW many?
Drakes Killed
You've killed HOW many?
Maintenance Pills Consumed
Wait why?
Blood-drunk Miner Killer
I guess he couldn't handle his drink that well.
Boss Killer
You've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.
Drake Killer
Now I can wear Rune Platebodies!
How Do I Switch Hands???
If you saw someone casually club themselves upside the head with a toolbox anywhere in the galaxy but here, you'd probably be pretty concerned for them.
KKKiiilll mmmeee
You were a little too ambitious, but hey, I guess you're still alive?
My Watchlist Status is Not Important
You may be under the impression that violent video games are a harmless pastime, but the security and medical personnel swarming your location with batons and knockout gas look like they disagree.
Perfect chemistry blossom
Passed the chemistry tutorial with perfect purity!