
Basic Information
Byond Account Registered First Seen Last Seen
2018-06-25 2021-05-07 12:04:23 2024-09-16 16:11:59

Achievements Unlocked
Don't worry, metagaming is all that matters.


Blood-Drunk Miners Killed
You've killed HOW many?


Bosses Killed
You've killed HOW many?


Bubblegums Killed
You've killed HOW many?


Drakes Killed
You've killed HOW many?


Hierophants Killed
You've killed HOW many?


Legions Killed
You've killed HOW many?


Maintenance Pills Consumed
Wait why?


Tourists Served as Bartender Highscore
Your highscore on serving tourist bots as bartender.


Tourists Served as Chef Highscore
Your highscore on serving tourist bots as chef.

All that perish
Place of a diffrent being, diffrent time. Everything ends there... but maybe it is just the beginning?

Blood-drunk Miner Killer
I guess he couldn't handle his drink that well.

Boss Killer
You've come a long ways from asking how to switch hands.

Bubblegum Killer
I guess he wasn't made of candy after all

Centcom Grade: Shitty Service
Well, you at least tried. How about trying harder?

Drake Crusher
Now I can wear Rune Platebodies!

Drake Killer
Now I can wear Rune Platebodies!

God's Wrath
Did you think you could get away with defiling the word of God?

Made you look!

Hierophant Killer
Hierophant, but not triumphant.

How Do I Switch Hands???
If you saw someone casually club themselves upside the head with a toolbox anywhere in the galaxy but here, you'd probably be pretty concerned for them.

I Was a Teenage Anarchist
You were doing a great job sticking it to the system until that vending machine decided to fight back.

If Nar'Sie is so good, why isn't there a...
Even interdimensional space deitys need a friend.

Legion Killer
We were we are none.

Long shift
Well, that didn't take long.

Nightwatcher's Eyes
You've risen above the flames, became one with the ashes. You've been reborn as one with the Nightwatcher.

I've paid my dues, shift after shift... I've done my sentence but commited no griff...

Silver and Steel
You've become the master of all duellists - the paragon of blades.

The Man Inside the MODsuit
Ignore the warning label on a springlock MODsuit.

Tram Surfer
Lights out, guerilla radio!

Vortex of Arms
You've became something more, something greater. A piece of the emperor resides within you, and you within him.

As a blood cultist, be part of a team that summons 3 shuttle curses within 10 seconds. Imagine cleaning up after them, g r o s s!

Your Life Before Your Eyes
Take a close look at hurtling space debris

Roles played, last 30 days
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