Byond Account Registered | First Seen | Last Seen |
2017-12-26 | 2017-12-26 16:29:37 | 2025-01-28 10:33:26 |
Basic Information
Achievements Unlocked
Don't worry, metagaming is all that matters.
Maintenance Pills Consumed
Wait why?
Centcom Grade: Shitty Service
Well, you at least tried. How about trying harder?
Fugitive Victory
I'm just the description on an achievement, but if you end up having to choose between town and changelings, go changelings.
Getting an upgrade
Make your first unique material item!
How Do I Switch Hands???
If you saw someone casually club themselves upside the head with a toolbox anywhere in the galaxy but here, you'd probably be pretty concerned for them.
Long shift
Well, that didn't take long.
Mister Sandman
Mechanically speaking, there's no real benefit to being unconscious during surgery. Weird how insistent this doctor is about using the N2O anyway though, huh?
Nightwatcher's Eyes
You've risen above the flames, became one with the ashes. You've been reborn as one with the Nightwatcher.
Very Important Piscis
You can rest well now.
You're What You Eat
Nutritionists often recommend a balanced and varied diet. However that clearly isn't the case for some creatures.
Admin Rank Logs
Date | Round | Admin | Operation | Target | Log |
2022-09-27 21:03:50 | 191298 | san7890 | Change Rank | wineallwine | Rank of wineallwine changed from GameAdmin to AdminTrainer |
2022-09-27 00:13:06 | 191246 | san7890 | Change Rank | wineallwine | Rank of wineallwine changed from NEW ADMIN to GameAdmin |
2022-09-27 00:12:57 | 191246 | san7890 | Add Admin | wineallwine | New admin added: wineallwine |
2022-09-05 03:09:33 | 189880 | mrmelbert | Remove Admin | wineallwine | Admin removed: wineallwine |
2022-04-21 20:32:18 | 181966 | timberpoes | Change Rank | wineallwine | Rank of wineallwine changed from GameAdmin to AdminTrainer |
2020-11-20 21:28:25 | 150690 | Change Rank | wineallwine | Rank of wineallwine changed from TrialAdmin to GameAdmin | |
2020-09-10 23:32:19 | 146058 | twaticus | Change Rank | wineallwine | Rank of wineallwine changed from AdminCandidate to TrialAdmin |
2020-09-07 02:01:30 | 145818 | twaticus | Change Rank | wineallwine | Rank of wineallwine changed from AdminObserver to AdminCandidate |
2020-09-05 10:35:12 | 145729 | twaticus | Change Rank | wineallwine | Rank of wineallwine changed from Observer to AdminObserver |
2020-08-24 23:15:04 | 144964 | twaticus | Change Rank | wineallwine | Rank of wineallwine changed from NEW ADMIN to Observer |
2020-08-24 23:15:03 | 144964 | twaticus | Add Admin | wineallwine | New admin added: wineallwine |