chemical_reaction from 100709 on Sybil

For readability purposes, the following strings were filtered out:

  • /datum/chemical_reaction/
Reaction Attempted Number of Attempts
saltpetre 2070
diethylamine 1200
mutagen 960
smoke_powder 840
ammonia 690
styptic_powder 620
silver_sulfadiazine 450
clf3 200
mannitol 150
phlogiston 150
charcoal 90
facid 80
oil 60
neurine 45
sodiumchloride 45
ash 45
clonexadone 40
foaming_agent 40
smart_foaming_agent 39
blood 37
stabilizing_agent 30
acetone 15
bicaridine 15
kelotane 10
Total Attempts 7921
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