antagonists from 103922 on Sybil
Space PETA Diplomat (Timonk) as The free antag /datum/antagonist/custom
  • SUCCESS Force the station to apologize for slaughtering dozens of innocent kittens, by any means necessary.
Security Officer Bell (Jackald) as The Emergency Response Officer /datum/antagonist/ert/security
  • SUCCESS The Space PETA diplomat has gotten violent, please deal with it.
Engineer Riggle (AzureWildfire) as The Emergency Response Officer /datum/antagonist/ert/engineer
  • SUCCESS The Space PETA diplomat has gotten violent, please deal with it.
Medical Officer Logue (433luke) as The Emergency Response Officer /datum/antagonist/ert/medic
  • SUCCESS The Space PETA diplomat has gotten violent, please deal with it.
Commander Mason (ColumbianVampires) as The Emergency Response Officer /datum/antagonist/ert/commander
  • SUCCESS The Space PETA diplomat has gotten violent, please deal with it.
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