chemical_reaction from 104495 on Basil

For readability purposes, the following strings were filtered out:

  • /datum/chemical_reaction/
Reaction Attempted Number of Attempts
mutagen 855
salglu_solution 645
sodiumchloride 435
smoke_powder 330
phlogiston 300
tricordrazine 246
iced_beer 162
regen_jelly 155
mannitol 150
oil 135
acetone 135
lube 120
ammonia 105
antitoxin 90
blackpowder 90
teslium 90
diethylamine 90
kelotane 90
neurine 90
cyanide 90
perfluorodecalin 90
mutadone 90
blood 77
charcoal 60
bicaridine 60
cleaner 60
pyrosium 60
tequilasunrise 50
manlydorf 45
space_drugs 45
ginfizz 40
slime_toxin 33
saltpetre 30
ash 30
chloralhydrate 30
formaldehyde 30
vodkatonic 30
irishcream 30
clf3 28
plantbgone 10
uraniumplasmavirusfood_stable 2
Total Attempts 5333
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