antagonists from 105257 on Sybil
Nolan Basinger (Superslay5203) as The Monkey Leader /datum/antagonist/monkey/leader
Octavius (Pireamaineach) as The Monkey /datum/antagonist/monkey
Andre Atkinson (Canadian Nihilist) as The Monkey /datum/antagonist/monkey
Virgil Gooch (Koward_Krusher) as The Monkey /datum/antagonist/monkey
Paul Pinkleton (TheFrost) as The Monkey /datum/antagonist/monkey
Paxton Gadow (Sishen1542) as The Monkey /datum/antagonist/monkey
Hides-in-Darkness (Garyforya) as The Monkey /datum/antagonist/monkey
Santa Dingler (SIX10) as The Monkey /datum/antagonist/monkey
Jared Newton (D3thw01F) as The Monkey /datum/antagonist/monkey
Chad Woollard (Lucax54) as The Monkey /datum/antagonist/monkey
Sam Tanner (Grizzby) as The Monkey /datum/antagonist/monkey
Chip Wise (Mojofizzy) as The Monkey /datum/antagonist/monkey
Eats-Pants (Sandshark808) as The Monkey /datum/antagonist/monkey
Sentient Disease (Digresskew) as The Sentient Disease /datum/antagonist/disease
  • SUCCESS Survive and infect as many people as possible.
  • FAIL Ensure that at least one infected host escapes on the shuttle or an escape pod.
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