antagonists from 105303 on Basil
Warren Owens (TheFizzlebeef) as The Hivemind Host /datum/antagonist/hivemind
  • FAIL End the round with at least 18 beings assimilated into the hive.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Hates-The-Names (LoserWasTaken) as The Hivemind Host /datum/antagonist/hivemind
  • FAIL Have at least 8 members of the hive escape on the shuttle alive and free.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Scuff Gerald (Ghom) as The Hivemind Host /datum/antagonist/hivemind
  • FAIL End the round with at least 19 beings assimilated into the hive.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Arezoo Babak (Swagbringer) as The Hivemind Host /datum/antagonist/hivemind
  • FAIL End the round with at least 18 beings assimilated into the hive.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Lexia Black (Imsxz) as The Hivemind Host /datum/antagonist/hivemind
  • SUCCESS End the round with at least 18 beings assimilated into the hive.
  • SUCCESS Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Keter Mavet (Loojee) as The Hivemind Host /datum/antagonist/hivemind
  • FAIL End the round with more vessels than any other hivemind host.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Feathers McGraw (DinksTM) as The Hivemind Host /datum/antagonist/hivemind
  • FAIL Have at least 9 members of the hive escape on the shuttle alive and free.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Carly Brooks (Gabost8) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
Parker Lowstetter (MisterGrey) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
Lily Blackburn (Dankasaur) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
Edgar Pope (Doctor Brutality) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
Jose Rowley (fatalx1) as The Hivemind Host /datum/antagonist/hivemind
  • FAIL End the round with at least 22 beings assimilated into the hive.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Makenna Werry (TopShaggerJoe) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
Lya Delanora (TheThief75) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
Grumble Hargan (CrystaIIie) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
La-Rence (Joseplh) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
Makes-The-Memes (Slomka) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
Yoinks (Timonk) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
Bob Oakland (Syruse Eln) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
Nyx (Tund_kun) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
Antoni Macierewicz (Zemsta) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
Derek Strange (Yumori) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
Van Darkholm (Three Red Seconds) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
Adolph Earl (Beelzebubble) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
Tomasz Chada (Kubot3) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
Aaden Lewis (Munchkin9) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
Hosuke Jigashikata (imapigtoo) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
Teagan Kuster (Sakitek) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
Jamal Sands (CRasputin) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
Adam Tobortim (NopeSopMop) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
Squames-Squenneth (Jaxy15) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
Constanze Morschaff (Tanachi) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
Elysius Uruma (Fuilin) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
Silence (Dawson1917) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
Robert Judge (Becobecobeco) as The Awoken Vessel /datum/antagonist/hivevessel
  • FAIL Ensure the One Mind survives under the leadership of Lexia Black!
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