chemical_reaction from 108653 on Sybil

For readability purposes, the following strings were filtered out:

  • /datum/chemical_reaction/
Reaction Attempted Number of Attempts
mutagen 810
mannitol 711
saltpetre 360
oil 210
styptic_powder 180
potass_iodide 150
b52 120
atomicbomb 120
triple_citrus 100
ash 95
irishcream 90
synthflesh 90
bicaridine 90
acetone 90
synaptizine 90
cleaner 90
cryoxadone 90
rumcoke 75
mindbreaker 75
space_drugs 60
sodiumchloride 60
syndicatebomb 60
chloralhydrate 60
snowwhite 50
goldschlager 50
blackrussian 50
fluorosurfactant 50
martini 45
mutadone 45
ammonia 45
thirteenloko 45
kamikaze 45
manhattan 45
plasmavirusfood 40
sidecar 40
irishcarbomb 40
whiterussian 40
cubalibre 40
longislandicedtea 40
threemileisland 40
sugar_rush 40
blood 34
charcoal 30
whiskeycola 30
amasec 30
chocolate_milk 28
gargleblaster 25
beepskysmash 25
slime_toxin 25
quadruple_sec 15
salglu_solution 15
uraniumplasmavirusfood_stable 12
Total Attempts 4935
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