chemical_reaction from 108693 on Sybil

For readability purposes, the following strings were filtered out:

  • /datum/chemical_reaction/
Reaction Attempted Number of Attempts
synthflesh 600
sodiumchloride 480
oil 420
smoke_powder 390
silver_sulfadiazine 375
charcoal 360
styptic_powder 300
mutagen 300
tricordrazine 270
acetone 270
mutadone 270
ash 180
neurine 180
diethylamine 180
oculine 180
inacusiate 180
ammonia 165
mannitol 150
oxandrolone 150
lube 120
phenol 120
beepskysmash 100
tequilasunrise 100
sal_acid 100
atropine 100
potass_iodide 100
kelotane 90
antitoxin 90
bicaridine 90
cryoxadone 90
antihol 90
salglu_solution 90
triple_citrus 75
quadruple_sec 75
clonexadone 60
leporazine 60
irishcarbomb 60
bahama_mama 60
blackrussian 50
blood 35
irishcream 30
Total Attempts 7185
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