antagonists from 113439 on Sybil
Circe Weatherwax (WuggyMcWuggy) as The Space Wizard /datum/antagonist/wizard
  • FAIL Steal the head of security's personal laser gun.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Virgil Gooch (Koward_Krusher) as The Amateur Magician /datum/antagonist/survivalist/magic
  • FAIL Steal at least five magical artefacts!
  • FAIL Stay alive until the end.
Charles Tilton (TmTmTl) as The Amateur Magician /datum/antagonist/survivalist/magic
  • FAIL Steal at least five magical artefacts!
  • SUCCESS Stay alive until the end.
Kenneth LaCroix (SolidGreen) as The Amateur Magician /datum/antagonist/survivalist/magic
  • FAIL Steal at least five magical artefacts!
  • SUCCESS Stay alive until the end.
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