station_mess_created from 115806 on Sybil
What How Many
drips of blood 1184
blood 513
footprints 455
shard 404
gibs 402
dirt 353
ashes 138
shreds 132
vomit 86
motor oil 61
cobweb 52
tiny shards 49
xeno gibs 49
tomato smudge 33
plate 25
dried blood 24
rune 23
rubber shot 21
candle 12
old rotting gibs 8
robot debris 8
.357 bullet casing 7
4no raisins 5
glowing goo 4
improvised shell 4
shotgun slug 4
gooey grey mass 4
candy 3
xeno blood 3
cheesie honkers 2
flour 2
popcorn 2
chips 2
crusty dried vomit 2
smashed pie 2
beanbag slug 2
salt pile 2
pistachios pack 1
semki pack 1
clutter 1
dusty robot debris 1
purple shard 1
smashed egg 1
buckshot shell 1
Total 4089
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