station_mess_created from 120553 on Sybil
What How Many
blood 353
footprints 286
drips of blood 278
dirt 191
shard 189
motor oil 80
cobweb 24
dried blood 17
gibs 17
ashes 15
vomit 12
tiny shards 11
shotgun slug 7
plate 5
chips 4
crusty dried vomit 3
cheesie honkers 3
crushed can 3
robot debris 3
4no raisins 3
dusty robot debris 2
pistachios pack 2
candy 2
tray 2
glowing goo 2
beanbag slug 2
popcorn 1
smashed egg 1
smashed pie 1
improvised shell 1
Total 1520
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