antagonists from 121777 on Sybil
Jack Breeg (ThatOneThere) as The Head Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev/head
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Gratian Sloan, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Joseph Johnson, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Sarah Hooker, the Chief Medical Officer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Arianna Kelly, the Chief Engineer.
Roger Seelig (Mellior) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Gratian Sloan, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Joseph Johnson, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Sarah Hooker, the Chief Medical Officer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Arianna Kelly, the Chief Engineer.
Ji-Yun Powderkeg (BigFatAnimeTiddies) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Gratian Sloan, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Joseph Johnson, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Sarah Hooker, the Chief Medical Officer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Arianna Kelly, the Chief Engineer.
Chee-Telixith (johlenon3) as The Ash Walker /datum/antagonist/ashwalker
  • FAIL Protect the necropolis tendril nest at all costs.
Hugo Holzmann (Teguci) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Gratian Sloan, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Joseph Johnson, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Sarah Hooker, the Chief Medical Officer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Arianna Kelly, the Chief Engineer.
Lumost Lampsky (1GlitchyCent) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Gratian Sloan, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Joseph Johnson, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Sarah Hooker, the Chief Medical Officer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Arianna Kelly, the Chief Engineer.
Sparks Foster (Rectification) as The Head Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev/head
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Gratian Sloan, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Joseph Johnson, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Sarah Hooker, the Chief Medical Officer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Arianna Kelly, the Chief Engineer.
Fard Shidder (ActionGirth) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Gratian Sloan, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Joseph Johnson, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Sarah Hooker, the Chief Medical Officer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Arianna Kelly, the Chief Engineer.
Georgia Houser (Obrimos) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Gratian Sloan, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Joseph Johnson, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Sarah Hooker, the Chief Medical Officer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Arianna Kelly, the Chief Engineer.
Alexander Kolovitch (Samsi02) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Gratian Sloan, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Joseph Johnson, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Sarah Hooker, the Chief Medical Officer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Arianna Kelly, the Chief Engineer.
Daniel Jilani (HedgehogHs) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Gratian Sloan, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Joseph Johnson, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Sarah Hooker, the Chief Medical Officer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Arianna Kelly, the Chief Engineer.
Clyde Thunderpants (Jimmius) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Gratian Sloan, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Joseph Johnson, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Sarah Hooker, the Chief Medical Officer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Arianna Kelly, the Chief Engineer.
Silent Night (Mike32oz) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Gratian Sloan, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Joseph Johnson, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Sarah Hooker, the Chief Medical Officer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Arianna Kelly, the Chief Engineer.
Ricky Mckendrick (Marijnfs) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Gratian Sloan, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Joseph Johnson, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Sarah Hooker, the Chief Medical Officer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Arianna Kelly, the Chief Engineer.
Richardo Pete (RPro513) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Gratian Sloan, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Joseph Johnson, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Sarah Hooker, the Chief Medical Officer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Arianna Kelly, the Chief Engineer.
Benjamin Dover Doctorman (C36311) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Gratian Sloan, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Joseph Johnson, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Sarah Hooker, the Chief Medical Officer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Arianna Kelly, the Chief Engineer.
Chili Klaus (EMERIC4N) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Gratian Sloan, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Joseph Johnson, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Sarah Hooker, the Chief Medical Officer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Arianna Kelly, the Chief Engineer.
Nat Hanford (Somone413) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Gratian Sloan, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Joseph Johnson, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Sarah Hooker, the Chief Medical Officer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Arianna Kelly, the Chief Engineer.
Dan Lejandro (Arpichus) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Gratian Sloan, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Joseph Johnson, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Sarah Hooker, the Chief Medical Officer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Arianna Kelly, the Chief Engineer.
Jerry Sloan (Jimmynutron2013) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Gratian Sloan, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Joseph Johnson, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Sarah Hooker, the Chief Medical Officer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Arianna Kelly, the Chief Engineer.
William Dornan (FreshestSoup) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Gratian Sloan, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Joseph Johnson, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Sarah Hooker, the Chief Medical Officer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Arianna Kelly, the Chief Engineer.
Braden Mills (MajorTom4) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Gratian Sloan, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Joseph Johnson, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Sarah Hooker, the Chief Medical Officer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Arianna Kelly, the Chief Engineer.
Lutwig Von Koughman (Lutwig_the_Wanderer) as The Revolutionary /datum/antagonist/rev
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Gratian Sloan, the Captain.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Joseph Johnson, the Head of Personnel.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Sarah Hooker, the Chief Medical Officer.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate or exile Arianna Kelly, the Chief Engineer.
Audrina North International (HedgehogHs) as The Lone Operative /datum/antagonist/nukeop/lone
  • FAIL Destroy the station with a nuclear device.
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