antagonists from 124194 on Basil
Hmm Yes (Someone12341) as The Space Wizard /datum/antagonist/wizard
  • SUCCESS Hijack the shuttle to ensure no loyalist Nanotrasen crew escape alive and out of custody.
slaughter demon (Analbifida) as The Slaughter demon /datum/antagonist/slaughter
  • FAIL Kill everyone.
slaughter demon (Remanseptim) as The Slaughter demon /datum/antagonist/slaughter
  • FAIL Kill everyone.
slaughter demon (Twaticus) as The Slaughter demon /datum/antagonist/slaughter
  • FAIL Kill everyone.
laughter demon (GUM DISEASE) as The Laughter demon /datum/antagonist/slaughter/laughter
  • FAIL Hug and Tickle everyone.
laughter demon (Funtato) as The Laughter demon /datum/antagonist/slaughter/laughter
  • FAIL Hug and Tickle everyone.
laughter demon (RiskySikh) as The Laughter demon /datum/antagonist/slaughter/laughter
  • FAIL Hug and Tickle everyone.
Medical Officer Pratt (RiskySikh) as The Emergency Response Officer /datum/antagonist/ert/medic
  • SUCCESS Assist the station.
Security Officer Milne (TheGuyWhoCanFly) as The Emergency Response Officer /datum/antagonist/ert/security
  • SUCCESS Assist the station.
Engineer Compton (M5o5) as The Emergency Response Officer /datum/antagonist/ert/engineer
  • SUCCESS Assist the station.
Medical Officer Haynes (Tyranicranger4) as The Emergency Response Officer /datum/antagonist/ert/medic
  • SUCCESS Assist the station.
Commander Tanner (Saprasam) as The Emergency Response Officer /datum/antagonist/ert/commander
  • SUCCESS Assist the station.
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