station_mess_created from 126345 on Event
What How Many
shard 586
dirt 571
drips of blood 545
blood 484
footprints 228
salt pile 202
shreds 191
pink glitter 184
tiny shards 149
white glitter 113
insect guts 104
flour 71
motor oil 63
cobweb 58
gibs 52
dried blood 34
gooey grey mass 31
dust 15
vomit 11
tomato smudge 8
cheesie honkers 7
pistachios pack 6
old rotting gibs 6
dusty robot debris 6
popcorn 5
ashes 4
beanbag slug 4
item 3
glowing goo 3
smashed pie 3
crusty dried vomit 2
candy 2
plate 2
Scaredy's Private Reserve Beef Jerky 2
chips 2
crushed can 1
semki pack 1
clutter 1
4no raisins 1
robot debris 1
Total 3762
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