food_harvested from 129164 on Manuel
What How Many
Red-Beet Plants 270.4
Wheat Stalks 239
Rainbow Weed 65
Tomato Plants 47
Blumpkin Vines 45.5
Ambrosia Deus 39
Banana Tree 35
Cannabis Plant 32.9
Potato Plants 28
Lifeweed 16
Tower Caps 15
Eggplants 15
Rice Stalks 13
Holy Melon Vines 13
Carrots 12
Chanterelle Mushrooms 10
Corn Stalks 10
Ambrosia Gaia 9.1
Deathweed 6.5
Reishi 6
Harebells 4
Plump-Helmet Mushrooms 3
Omega Weed 3
Glowshrooms 1
Total 938
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