commendation from 129808 on Manuel
Official Nanotrasen Commendation

The Distinguished Conduct Medal

is awarded to

Jack Waters

— For —

"deflating the Clown, and stopping a potential delta-alert threat"

Awarded by Rhials Duffy

Official Nanotrasen Commendation

The Distinguished Conduct Medal

is awarded to

Jack Waters

— For —

"making me laugh"

Awarded by Rhials Duffy

Official Nanotrasen Commendation

"Cargo Tech Of The Shift" Award

is awarded to


— For —

"For suvival against the odds of ash and fire, and to the acquisiton of dearly vital assets. Also very amicable for being an ash lizard."

Awarded by Iris Jure

Official Nanotrasen Commendation

The Robust Security Award

is awarded to

Seth Kuznetsov

— For —

"For grinding on a table across the whole command hall"

Awarded by Rhials Duffy

Activate Windows Go to Settings to activate Windows