food_harvested from 129985 on Manuel
What How Many
Ambrosia Gaia 312
Grass 117
Bluespace Tomato Plants 85.8
Bluespace Banana Tree 83.2
Supernettle 65
Pineapple Plant 58.5
Suffotato 39
Toon-mato 33.8
Green-Grape Vine 26
Ghost Chili Plants 23.4
Pumpkin Vines 23.4
Blue Cherry Tree 19.5
Lemon Tree 15.6
Soybean Plants 15.6
Egg-Plants 13
Golden Apple Tree 13
Ambrosia Vulgaris 11.8
Lily Plants 11.7
Cherry Tree 11.7
Death Nettles 10.4
Chilly Pepper Plants 10.4
Red Onion Sprouts 9.1
Parsnip 9.1
Omega Weed 9
Poison-Berry Bush 7.8
Banana Tree 7.8
Onion Sprouts 7.8
Poppy Plants 7.8
Garlic Sprouts 7.8
Durathread 7.8
Mimana Tree 7.8
Orange Tree 6.5
Coffee Robusta Bush 6.5
Chanterelle Mushrooms 6.5
Bungo Tree 6.5
Coffee Arabica Bush 6.5
Carrots 6.5
Apple Tree 6.5
Cocao Tree 5.2
Death Berry Bush 5.2
Lime Tree 5.2
Potato Plants 5.2
Rice Stalks 5.2
Grape Vine 5.2
Eggplants 5.2
Cherry Bulb Tree 5.2
Chili Plants 5.2
Ambrosia Deus 5.2
Cabbages 5.2
Berry Bush 5.2
Cannabis Plant 4
Carpet 3.9
Spaceman's Trumpet Plant 3.9
Snapcorn Stalks 3.9
Corn Stalks 3.9
Tomato Plants 3.9
Fairygrass 2.6
Cotton 2.6
Rainbow Weed 2
Lifeweed 2
Glowshrooms 2
Walking Mushrooms 1.3
Total 1225
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