station_mess_destroyed from 132595 on Manuel
What How Many
flour 8847
white glitter 6912
pink glitter 6543
salt pile 3156
dirt 1116
blue glitter 606
drips of blood 600
tiny shards 224
blood 218
ashes 151
dust 146
footprints 136
insect guts 81
shreds 66
motor oil 44
vomit 25
stabilized plasma 20
dried blood 19
gibs 16
rotting gibs 16
cobweb 9
crusty dried vomit 5
large pile of ashes 5
glowing goo 4
smashed egg 3
robot debris 3
dusty robot debris 1
Scaredy's Private Reserve Beef Jerky 1
smashed pie 1
tomato smudge 1
Total 28975
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