food_harvested from 132872 on Manuel
What How Many
Large 204.8
Wheat Stalks 115.2
Tomato Plants 61
Chili Plants 60
Grape Vine 31.2
Ghost Chili Plants 29
Corn Stalks 26.6
Shadowshrooms 22
Ambrosia Vulgaris 15.5
Sugarcane 13
Tower Caps 11
Fly Amanitas 10.4
Deathweed 9.1
Ambrosia Gaia 7.8
Blumpkin Vines 7.8
Snapcorn Stalks 6
Combustible Lemon Tree 5.2
Rainbow Weed 5.2
Potato Plants 5.2
Holy Melon Vines 5.2
Cannabis Plant 3.9
Blue-Tomato Plants 3
Soybean Plants 3
Glowshrooms 1
Total 662
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