antagonists from 140201 on Basil
Charles Wanger (Lt_Joj) as The Changeling /datum/antagonist/changeling
  • FAIL Extract 6 compatible genomes.
  • FAIL Steal the station blueprints.
  • SUCCESS Prevent Jonathan Burns, the Medical Doctor, from escaping alive.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod with the identity of Jonathan Burns, the Medical Doctor while wearing their identification card.
Woodrow Weisgarber (Electrolyz) as The Changeling /datum/antagonist/changeling
  • SUCCESS Extract more compatible genomes than any other Changeling.
  • SUCCESS Assassinate Bill Tinkelson, the Quartermaster.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Gene Ball (Nabski) as The Undercover Cop /datum/antagonist/ert/families/undercover_cop
Mercy Tara (Jzoid) as The Undercover Cop /datum/antagonist/ert/families/undercover_cop
Iam A. Crooke (Wabash) as The Italian Mob /datum/antagonist/gang/italian_mob
Jonathan Burns (Colurs) as The Tunnel Snakes /datum/antagonist/gang/tunnel_snakes
Grant Simmons (WalrusKush) as The Jack Bros /datum/antagonist/gang/jackbros
Giles Corr (Criticalblitz) as The Tunnel Snakes /datum/antagonist/gang/tunnel_snakes
Jones Indiana (Andynewtry) as The Jack Bros /datum/antagonist/gang/jackbros
Ekaterinya Chekhov (Paxilmaniac) as The Italian Mob /datum/antagonist/gang/italian_mob
One Hundred Clowns (Identikit) as The Tunnel Snakes /datum/antagonist/gang/tunnel_snakes
Terrel Lord (Golfer45) as The Italian Mob /datum/antagonist/gang/italian_mob
Romanye Lewis (I Hate Geese) as The Tunnel Snakes /datum/antagonist/gang/tunnel_snakes
Bill Tinkelson (Drooleedo) as The Tunnel Snakes /datum/antagonist/gang/tunnel_snakes
Nicolas Harrison (AuspiciousPerson) as The Tunnel Snakes /datum/antagonist/gang/tunnel_snakes
Motley Roux (Quonk) as The Italian Mob /datum/antagonist/gang/italian_mob
Trevor Costello (Hansblix) as The Italian Mob /datum/antagonist/gang/italian_mob
Kazama Kval (Hoovyking1) as The Italian Mob /datum/antagonist/gang/italian_mob
Charlotte Melinda (Eskjjlj) as The Italian Mob /datum/antagonist/gang/italian_mob
FBI Agent Lombardi (Spaceisamyth) as The FBI Agent /datum/antagonist/ert/families/beatcop/fbi
FBI Agent Kemerer (Baskilnation) as The FBI Agent /datum/antagonist/ert/families/beatcop/fbi
FBI Agent Ullman (Hoovyking1) as The FBI Agent /datum/antagonist/ert/families/beatcop/fbi
FBI Agent Fischer (Gogo9001) as The FBI Agent /datum/antagonist/ert/families/beatcop/fbi
FBI Agent Ewing (Maestrohurr) as The FBI Agent /datum/antagonist/ert/families/beatcop/fbi
FBI Agent Garland (AuspiciousPerson) as The FBI Agent /datum/antagonist/ert/families/beatcop/fbi
FBI Agent Thorley (Thouncy) as The FBI Agent /datum/antagonist/ert/families/beatcop/fbi
FBI Agent Richards (Bobbahbrown) as The FBI Agent /datum/antagonist/ert/families/beatcop/fbi
FBI Agent Sidower (Criticalblitz) as The FBI Agent /datum/antagonist/ert/families/beatcop/fbi
FBI Agent Whittier (Andynewtry) as The FBI Agent /datum/antagonist/ert/families/beatcop/fbi
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