food_harvested from 141798 on Basil
What How Many
Cabbages 95
Banana Tree 95
Steel Caps 92
Cocao Tree 66
Tomato Plants 40
Holy Melon Vines 35
Cherry Tree 29
Corn Stalks 20
Cherry Bulb Tree 19
Barrel Melon Vines 16
Fairygrass 15
Bungo Tree 13
Jupiter Cups 10
Fly Amanitas 7
Tower Caps 6
Glowshrooms 5
Bluespace Banana Tree 4
Nettles 3
Harebells 3
Blood-Tomato Plants 2
Ambrosia Gaia 2
Reishi 2
Blue-Tomato Plants 1
Bluespace Tomato Plants 1
Total 581
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