food_harvested from 146397 on Manuel
What How Many
Fairygrass 244
Watermelon Vines 178
Glowcaps 171
Tower Caps 109
Potato Plants 84
Koibean Plants 72
Aloe 70
Grass 62
Bungo Tree 60
Durathread 60
Soybean Plants 56
Cannabis Plant 54
Omni-Apple 50
Harebells 49
Corn Stalks 42
Orange Tree 40
Red-Beet Plants 40
Apple Tree 39
Snapcorn Stalks 33
Banana Tree 32
Lemon Tree 30
Lime Tree 30
Strange-Reagent 30
Chilly Pepper Plants 20
Cocao Tree 20
Lifeweed 20
Ambrosia Deus 19
Poppy Plants 11
Chili Plants 10
Ghost Chili Plants 10
Ambrosia Vulgaris 10
Extradimensional Orange Tree 10
Glowshrooms 10
Barrel Melon Vines 10
Robot-Flower 10
Fraxinella Plants 9
Fly Amanitas 9
Steel Caps 8
Reishi 4
Star Cactus Cluster 1
Total 1826
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