item_used_for_combat from 146534 on Basil
10 /obj/item/kirbyplants/random 1
10 /obj/item/scalpel 2
10 /obj/item/tank/internals/oxygen 2
0 /obj/item/surgical_drapes 37
0 /obj/item/clothing/mask/gas/tiki_mask 1
0 /obj/item/storage/backpack/satchel 1
0 /obj/item/hemostat 1
0 /obj/item/cautery 1
0 /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/security/officer 2
0 /obj/item/guardiancreator/tech/choose/traitor 3
0 /obj/item/toy/plush/moth 13
0 /obj/item/megaphone/command 1
0 /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/tatortot 1
0 /obj/item/stack/cable_coil 5
0 /obj/item/melee/touch_attack/mansus_fist 1
0 /obj/item/clothing/neck/cloak/hos 1
0 /obj/item/melee/touch_attack/shock 1
0 /obj/item/bonesetter 1
0 /obj/item/toy/cards/deck 1
3 /obj/item/bodypart/head/robot 3
3 /obj/item/bodypart/head 1
12 /obj/item/melee/classic_baton 3
30 /obj/item/claymore/weak 2
18 /obj/item/nullrod/scythe/spellblade 31
15 /obj/item/circular_saw 79
15 /obj/item/resonator/upgraded 1
15 /obj/item/weldingtool 1
24 /obj/item/mounted_chainsaw 65
6 /obj/item/stack/tile/plasteel 1
5 /obj/item/gun/energy/kinetic_accelerator/crossbow 3
5 /obj/item/multitool 2
5 /obj/item/wrench 1
16 /obj/item/scalpel/advanced 44
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