food_harvested from 146795 on Manuel
What How Many
Chilly Pepper Plants 204
Moonflowers 58
Tomato Plants 57
Soybean Plants 50
Meatwheat 50
Corn Stalks 48
Geranium Plants 48
Watermelon Vines 47
Tower Caps 40
Jupiter Cups 40
Chili Plants 39
Onion Sprouts 30
Red-Beet Plants 30
Poppy Plants 28
Novaflowers 22
Lemon Tree 20
Lime Tree 20
Orange Tree 20
Apple Tree 20
Sugarcane 20
Sunflowers 20
Koibean Plants 20
Fairygrass 20
Berry Bush 20
Wheat Stalks 19
Cocao Tree 10
Cotton 6
Total 1006
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