food_harvested from 149649 on Manuel
What How Many
Apple Tree 117
Soybean Plants 97
Chili Plants 89
Deathweed 89
Pink Fancy-Flower 82
Watermelon Vines 72
Corn Stalks 71
Tower Caps 60
Banana Tree 60
Cannabis Plant 55
Lifeweed 40
Potato Plants 38
Death Nettles 34
Cocao Tree 30
Nettles 29
Omega Weed 29
World Peas 25
Orange Tree 20
Lime Tree 20
Lemon Tree 20
Tomato Plants 20
Mushroom-Cell 20
Durathread 18
Coffee Robusta Bush 15
Pumpkin Vines 14
Rainbow Weed 10
Fraxinella Plants 10
Cherry Bulb Tree 10
Glowshrooms 10
Glowcaps 10
Ambrosia Vulgaris 10
Sugarcane 10
Bluespace Banana Tree 10
Cherry Tree 9
Poppy Plants 8
Holy Melon Vines 7
Total 1268
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