food_harvested from 157698 on Sybil
What How Many
Pumpkin Vines 168
Watermelon Vines 85
Tomato Plants 74
Cabbages 44
Chili Plants 41
Cocao Tree 26
Soybean Plants 25
Potato Plants 18
Corn Stalks 16
Eggplants 14
Grass 13
Walking Mushrooms 13
Apple Tree 12
Banana Tree 11
Garlic Sprouts 10
Coffee Arabica Bush 10
Rose Bush 10
Pineapple Plant 10
Fly Amanitas 10
Carrots 9
Tower Caps 9
Cotton 9
Poppy Plants 9
White-Beet Plants 9
Sugarcane 9
Orange Tree 9
Lime Tree 7
Rice Stalks 7
Onion Sprouts 6
Chanterelle Mushrooms 6
Cherry Tree 6
Lemon Tree 6
Blumpkin Vines 6
Grape Vine 5
Wheat Stalks 5
Aloe 5
Berry Bush 5
Tobacco Plant 5
Tea Aspera Plant 4
Liberty-Caps 4
Ambrosia Vulgaris 3
Sunflowers 3
Glowcaps 2
Total 758
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