food_harvested from 158017 on Terry
What How Many
Watermelon Vines 54
Durathread 50
Jupiter Cups 47
Banana Tree 27
Death Nettles 20
Liberty-Caps 19
Pumpkin Vines 15
Destroying Angels 11
Cabbages 10
Nettles 10
Star Cactus Cluster 10
Walking Mushrooms 10
Rainbow Weed 10
Reishi 8
Chanterelle Mushrooms 8
Aloe 8
Fruiting Cactus 7
Cotton 6
Onion Sprouts 5
Wheat Stalks 5
Grass 5
Tower Caps 5
Fly Amanitas 4
Plump-Helmet Mushrooms 4
Harebells 2
Total 360
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