chemical_reaction from 158298 on Basil

For readability purposes, the following strings were filtered out:

  • /datum/chemical_reaction/
Reaction Attempted Number of Attempts
basic_buffer total reaction steps 1212
medicine/sal_acid total reaction steps 182
medicine/oxandrolone total reaction steps 174
bath_salts total reaction steps 152
medicine/mannitol total reaction steps 121
phenol total reaction steps 104
ammonia total reaction steps 103
lube total reaction steps 96
medicine/libital total reaction steps 84
medicine/neurine total reaction steps 74
saltpetre total reaction steps 48
oil total reaction steps 44
cryostylane total reaction steps 42
space_cleaner total reaction steps 40
acetone total reaction steps 31
mindbreaker total reaction steps 24
thermite total reaction steps 22
chloralhydrate total reaction steps 16
chloralhydrate attempts 12
ice total reaction steps 10
bath_salts attempts 10
ammonia attempts 9
medicine/oxandrolone attempts 8
formaldehyde total reaction steps 8
medicine/sal_acid attempts 7
drink/rum_coke total reaction steps 7
basic_buffer attempts 6
oil attempts 5
space_cleaner attempts 4
phenol attempts 4
medicine/mannitol attempts 4
drink/pina_colada total reaction steps 3
medicine/neurine attempts 3
saltpetre attempts 2
mindbreaker attempts 2
lube attempts 2
drink/pina_colada attempts 2
drink/manly_dorf attempts 2
ice attempts 1
cryostylane attempts 1
thermite attempts 1
medicine/libital attempts 1
formaldehyde attempts 1
drink/rum_coke attempts 1
acetone attempts 1
drink/vodkamartini attempts 1
Total Attempts 2687
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