food_harvested from 160554 on Sybil
What How Many
Tower Caps 100
Cabbages 99
Lemon Tree 93
Cherry Bomb Tree 83
Watermelon Vines 80
Fairygrass 80
Durathread 74
Banana Tree 71
Grass 69
Pineapple Plant 56
Gatfruit Tree 30
Ambrosia Vulgaris 21
Glow-Berry Bush 20
Eggplants 20
Berry Bush 20
Egg-Plants 20
Combustible Lemon Tree 16
Tomato Plants 13
Blue-Tomato Plants 10
Cotton 9
Nettles 7
Moonflowers 3
White-Beet Plants 2
Glowshrooms 2
Total 999
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