food_harvested from 164384 on Manuel
What How Many
Watermelon Vines 83
Onion Sprouts 74
Tobacco Plant 58
Tower Caps 50
Korta Nut Bush 46
Vanilla Tree 46
Potato Plants 40
Chili Plants 39
Grass 39
Tomato Plants 36
Ambrosia Deus 35
Banana Tree 31
Garlic Sprouts 30
Ambrosia Gaia 21
Orange Tree 20
Lemon Tree 20
Lime Tree 20
Jupiter Cups 20
Sweet Potato Plants 19
Sweet Korta Nut Bush 18
Aloe 15
Apple Tree 13
Death Nettles 10
Durathread 10
Berry Bush 9
Corn Stalks 9
Barrel Melon Vines 7
Death Berry Bush 6
Chanterelle Mushrooms 6
Cotton 3
Poison-Berry Bush 2
Total 837
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