food_harvested from 164620 on Sybil
What How Many
Pumpkin Vines 260
Tower Caps 70
Glowshrooms 50
Chili Plants 44
Holy Melon Vines 40
Banana Tree 30
Parsnip 25
Watermelon Vines 20
Carbon Rose Flower 20
Ambrosia Vulgaris 18
Tomato Plants 10
Ambrosia Deus 10
Blumpkin Vines 10
Apple Tree 10
Berry Bush 10
Cocao Tree 10
Cotton 10
Onion Sprouts 10
Potato Plants 10
Corn Stalks 10
Pineapple Plant 10
Orange Tree 10
Korta Nut Bush 10
Soybean Plants 10
Sugarcane 10
Lime Tree 8
Coffee Arabica Bush 7
Sunflowers 7
Aloe 6
Carrots 5
Ghost Chili Plants 5
Jupiter Cups 5
Lily Plants 5
Cabbages 4
Lemon Tree 4
Fly Amanitas 3
Chanterelle Mushrooms 3
Cherry Tree 3
Pea Vines 3
Rose Bush 2
Eggplants 2
Total 799
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