food_harvested from 167623 on Manuel
What How Many
Mimana Tree 90
Banana Tree 74
Moonflowers 70
Fairygrass 69
Tomato Plants 46
Harebells 44
Cherry Tree 37
Watermelon Vines 32
Apple Tree 25
Cocao Tree 19
Berry Bush 16
Ambrosia Deus 10
Tower Caps 10
Bluespace Banana Tree 10
Golden Apple Tree 10
Steel Caps 10
Deathweed 10
Cannabis Plant 10
Lifeweed 10
Omega Weed 10
Rainbow Weed 10
Killer-Tomato Plants 10
Bamboo 10
Barrel Melon Vines 10
Cherry Bulb Tree 10
Blue-Tomato Plants 10
Blumpkin Vines 10
Bungo Tree 10
Bluespace Tomato Plants 10
Coffee Robusta Bush 10
Combustible Lemon Tree 10
Death Nettles 10
Destroying Angels 10
Egg-Plants 10
Lime Tree 10
Cabbages 9
Glow-Berry Bush 9
Poison-Berry Bush 9
Blue Cherry Tree 8
Vanilla Tree 8
Carbon Rose Flower 8
Carpet 8
Extradimensional Orange Tree 5
Durathread 5
Lily Plants 5
Ambrosia Gaia 3
Blood-Tomato Plants 2
Total 841
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