food_harvested from 172883 on Manuel
What How Many
Tower Caps 161
Koibean Plants 100
Wheat Stalks 84
Harebells 64
Corn Stalks 62
Durathread 62
Watermelon Vines 41
Fruiting Cactus 40
Porcini Mushrooms 35
Chanterelle Mushrooms 23
Steel Caps 22
Cherry Tree 20
Plump-Helmet Mushrooms 20
Aloe 19
Reishi 14
Cabbages 13
Soybean Plants 11
Berry Bush 10
Cocao Tree 10
Snapcorn Stalks 10
Seraka Mushrooms 10
Poppy Plants 10
Gatfruit Tree 8
Blood-Tomato Plants 8
Banana Tree 5
Cotton 4
Fly Amanitas 1
Total 867
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