food_harvested from 174455 on Manuel
What How Many
Pumpkin Vines 150
Cherry Tree 122
Potato Plants 102
Tower Caps 100
Berry Bush 92
Lime Tree 90
Orange Tree 90
Lemon Tree 90
Onion Sprouts 82
Vanilla Tree 70
Watermelon Vines 64
Cocao Tree 63
Moonflowers 60
Corn Stalks 55
Carrots 54
Grass 50
Eggplants 44
Rose Bush 40
Aloe 39
Sunflowers 31
Laughin' Peas 30
Death Nettles 30
Fraxinella Plants 27
Pea Vines 20
Tomato Plants 20
Cherry Bulb Tree 20
Geranium Plants 20
Carbon Rose Flower 20
Gatfruit Tree 20
Wheat Stalks 15
Poppy Plants 10
Holy Melon Vines 10
World Peas 8
Harebells 5
Total 1743
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