food_harvested from 176978 on Manuel
What How Many
Tower Caps 237
Watermelon Vines 217
Sunflowers 144
Herbs 119
Cabbages 92
Geranium Plants 88
Rose Bush 81
Tomato Plants 80
Lily Plants 70
Sweet Potato Plants 60
Carpet 57
Apple Tree 55
Banana Tree 50
Onion Sprouts 40
Potato Plants 40
Berry Bush 40
Poppy Plants 40
Porcini Mushrooms 40
Sweet Korta Nut Bush 40
Korta Nut Bush 38
Fruiting Cactus 36
Chili Plants 36
Ambrosia Vulgaris 31
Bungo Tree 30
Carrots 30
Corn Stalks 28
Laughin' Peas 28
Mimana Tree 28
Glowshrooms 26
Grass 25
Cocao Tree 22
Garlic Sprouts 20
Töchtaüse Bush 20
Pumpkin Vines 20
Eggplants 20
Bell Pepper Plants 20
Space Tobacco Plant 20
Golden Apple Tree 13
Nettles 10
Star Cactus Cluster 10
World Peas 10
Tobacco Plant 9
Rice Stalks 8
Shadowshrooms 8
Fly Amanitas 8
Aloe 6
Harebells 3
Ambrosia Deus 3
Pea Vines 2
strange plant 1
Total 2159
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