chemical_reaction from 177797 on Terry

For readability purposes, the following strings were filtered out:

  • /datum/chemical_reaction/
Reaction Attempted Number of Attempts
phlogiston attempts 380
/datum/reagent/smoke_powder 339
mutagen attempts 158
facid total reaction steps 122
napalm total reaction steps 113
pyrosium attempts 110
medicine/inacusiate total reaction steps 83
oil total reaction steps 72
medicine/aiuri total reaction steps 64
medicine/libital total reaction steps 56
medicine/ephedrine total reaction steps 43
medicine/mannitol total reaction steps 41
medicine/leporazine total reaction steps 40
stabilizing_agent total reaction steps 38
phenol total reaction steps 33
ammonia total reaction steps 30
medicine/sal_acid total reaction steps 30
medicine/oculine total reaction steps 29
medicine/salglu_solution total reaction steps 28
nitracid total reaction steps 28
medicine/morphine total reaction steps 22
yuck total reaction steps 21
maint_tar2 total reaction steps 21
oil attempts 18
bath_salts total reaction steps 17
water total reaction steps 14
medicine/oxandrolone total reaction steps 14
diethylamine total reaction steps 13
medicine/atropine total reaction steps 13
medicine/seiver total reaction steps 11
hydrogen_peroxide total reaction steps 11
sodiumchloride total reaction steps 10
medicine/neurine total reaction steps 10
anacea total reaction steps 9
medicine/lenturi total reaction steps 8
acetone attempts 8
medicine/neurine attempts 8
napalm attempts 7
ammonia attempts 7
nitrous_oxide total reaction steps 7
medicine/mine_salve total reaction steps 7
drink/triple_citrus attempts 5
drink/irish_cream attempts 5
medicine/haloperidol total reaction steps 5
mutagen total reaction steps 4
drink/rum_coke attempts 4
drink/cuba_libre attempts 4
drink/martini attempts 4
diethylamine attempts 4
phenol attempts 4
medicine/aiuri attempts 4
acetone total reaction steps 4
medicine/probital total reaction steps 4
drink/bananahonk total reaction steps 3
drink/quadruplesec attempts 3
drink/quadruplesec total reaction steps 3
drink/b52 attempts 3
space_drugs attempts 3
ice total reaction steps 3
water attempts 2
laughter attempts 2
drink/brave_bull attempts 2
stabilizing_agent attempts 2
drink/goldschlager attempts 2
medicine/mannitol attempts 2
medicine/morphine attempts 2
medicine/seiver attempts 2
medicine/ephedrine attempts 2
drink/manhattan attempts 2
medicine/oxandrolone attempts 2
medicine/sal_acid attempts 2
medicine/libital attempts 2
ash attempts 2
facid attempts 2
anacea attempts 2
laughter total reaction steps 1
drink/bananahonk attempts 1
medicine/inacusiate attempts 1
clf3 attempts 1
yuck attempts 1
maint_tar2 attempts 1
drink/peppermint_patty attempts 1
nitrous_oxide attempts 1
medicine/oculine attempts 1
medicine/leporazine attempts 1
medicine/lenturi attempts 1
sodiumchloride attempts 1
medicine/salglu_solution attempts 1
space_cleaner attempts 1
saltpetre attempts 1
bath_salts attempts 1
ice attempts 1
drink/alliescocktail attempts 1
drink/mojito attempts 1
medicine/probital attempts 1
medicine/mine_salve attempts 1
medicine/atropine attempts 1
hydrogen_peroxide attempts 1
nitracid attempts 1
medicine/potass_iodide attempts 1
medicine/potass_iodide total reaction steps 1
medicine/haloperidol attempts 1
impedrezene attempts 1
ash overly impure reaction steps 1
ash failed reactions 1
Total Attempts 2224
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