food_harvested from 178014 on Manuel
What How Many
Oat Stalks 159
Potato Plants 103
Korta Nut Bush 100
Holy Melon Vines 76
Meatwheat 64
Onion Sprouts 57
Pumpkin Vines 53
Lime Tree 50
Chili Plants 49
Killer-Tomato Plants 47
Cherry Tree 44
Bamboo 40
Ambrosia Deus 37
Wheat Stalks 35
Cabbages 34
Sugarcane 34
Rice Stalks 33
Watermelon Vines 32
Porcini Mushrooms 30
Fruiting Cactus 30
Berry Bush 29
Banana Tree 24
Grape Vine 22
Lifeweed 20
Orange Tree 18
Soybean Plants 17
Tomato Plants 13
Ambrosia Vulgaris 11
Carrots 9
Garlic Sprouts 9
Fly Amanitas 8
Harebells 5
Reishi 4
Corn Stalks 2
Total 1298
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