traumas from 178930 on Manuel

For readability purposes, the following strings were filtered out:

  • /datum/brain_trauma/
What How Many
mild/mind_echo 33
mild/nervous_cough 28
mild/concussion 27
mild/healthy 25
mild/stuttering 24
mild/dumbness 22
mild/hallucinations 22
mild/speech_impediment 21
mild/phobia 21
mild/expressive_aphasia 18
mild/muscle_spasms 15
mild/muscle_weakness 11
severe/pacifism 11
severe/narcolepsy 11
severe/paralysis 11
severe/aphasia 11
severe/split_personality 11
severe/monophobia 10
severe/discoordination 9
severe/hypnotic_stupor 9
severe/mute 7
special/tenacity 4
severe/blindness 3
special/death_whispers 3
special/imaginary_friend 2
special/quantum_alignment 2
special/godwoken 1
special/bluespace_prophet 1
Total 373
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