item_used_for_combat from 179373 on Basil
5 /obj/item/fireaxe 7
5 /obj/item/stack/sheet/animalhide/cat 6
24 /obj/item/fireaxe 2
15 /obj/item/storage/toolbox/syndicate 6
10 /obj/item/scalpel 17
10 /obj/item/kirbyplants 23
10 /obj/item/knife/kitchen 51
10 /obj/item/tank/internals/oxygen/red 1
0 /obj/item/food/monkeycube 3
0 /obj/item/borg/lollipop 12
0 /obj/item/cautery 8
0 /obj/item/storage/box/matches 1
0 /obj/item/bikehorn 1
0 /obj/item/wirebrush 2
0 /obj/item/kisser 9
0 /obj/item/clothing/head/hardhat/red 1
0 /obj/item/food/lollipop 5
0 /obj/item/razor 1
0 /obj/item/bonesetter 1
3 /obj/item/melee/baton/security/cattleprod 2
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