station_mess_destroyed from 179433 on Sybil
What How Many
footprints 5367
blood 134
dirt 117
blood splatter 58
tiny shards 55
dried footprints 31
dust 24
ashes 23
cobweb 14
space ants 14
glowing goo 13
motor oil 8
dried blood 7
vomit 6
drips of blood 5
semki pack 4
insect guts 3
decomposing garbage 3
frozen ashes 3
frozen dirt 2
pistachios pack 2
Scaredy's Private Reserve Beef Jerky 2
.357 bullet casing 2
dried tracks 1
smashed pie 1
boritos bag 1
cheesie honkers 1
letter 1
popcorn 1
energy weapon lens 1
crushed can 1
Total 5905
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