food_harvested from 180231 on Manuel
What How Many
Tower Caps 204
Corn Stalks 200
Aloe 100
Watermelon Vines 88
Banana Tree 87
Tomato Plants 70
Carrots 60
Soybean Plants 50
Cannabis Plant 50
Spaceman's Trumpet Plant 50
Bungo Tree 50
Chili Plants 47
Gorilla 40
Koibean Plants 40
Ambrosia Deus 40
Orange Tree 30
Lemon Tree 30
Lime Tree 30
Blumpkin Vines 20
Lifeweed 20
Deathweed 18
Rainbow Weed 18
Harebells 12
Blood-Tomato Plants 11
Chanterelle Mushrooms 10
Holy Melon Vines 10
Reishi 10
Tobacco Plant 10
Poppy Plants 10
Laughin' Peas 10
Plump-Helmet Mushrooms 10
Walking Mushrooms 10
Nettles 10
Ghost Chili Plants 5
Total 1460
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