antagonists from 180449 on Sybil
Noah Roby (Zybwivcz) as The Thief /datum/antagonist/thief
  • FAIL Steal the chief engineer's advanced magnetic boots
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Jeremiah Krieger (Bionikler) as The Thief /datum/antagonist/thief
  • FAIL Hoard as many stun batons as you can in maintenance (after declaring a spot)! At least 9 will do.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Calls-The-Void (Mey Ha Zah) as The Thief /datum/antagonist/thief
  • FAIL Hoard as many MOD control units as you can in maintenance (after declaring a spot)! At least 5 will do.
  • FAIL Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Guy Manson (The one known as Haywood) as The Thief /datum/antagonist/thief
  • SUCCESS Steal at least 3 guns!
  • SUCCESS Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and without being in custody.
Q5U4EX7YY2E9N (TotallyNotAWizard) as The Malfunctioning AI /datum/antagonist/malf_ai
  • FAIL Have at least eight active cyborgs synced to you.
  • FAIL Assassinate Richard Cuboid, the Medical Doctor.
  • SUCCESS Prevent your own deactivation.
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