chemical_reaction from 180628 on Basil

For readability purposes, the following strings were filtered out:

  • /datum/chemical_reaction/
Reaction Attempted Number of Attempts
medicine/tirimol total reaction steps 396
basic_buffer total reaction steps 276
oil total reaction steps 94
acetone total reaction steps 43
napalm total reaction steps 30
diethylamine total reaction steps 27
ammonia total reaction steps 24
saltpetre total reaction steps 22
oil attempts 17
ammonia attempts 14
saltpetre attempts 12
food/nutriconversion attempts 12
medicine/probital total reaction steps 10
mutagen total reaction steps 9
ash total reaction steps 8
acetone attempts 8
medicine/tirimol attempts 8
water total reaction steps 7
basic_buffer attempts 7
medicine/cryoxadone total reaction steps 6
diethylamine attempts 4
oil overly impure reaction steps 4
ash attempts 3
medicine/tirimol overly impure reaction steps 3
mutagen attempts 2
medicine/aiuri attempts 2
water attempts 1
napalm attempts 1
medicine/probital attempts 1
medicine/cryoxadone attempts 1
oil failed reactions 1
medicine/aiuri overly impure reaction steps 1
medicine/aiuri failed reactions 1
medicine/aiuri overheated reaction steps 1
Total Attempts 1056
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