Biddle Verbs: Queues the Most Expensive Verbs for the Next Tick if the Server Is Overloaded by Kylerace
Dynamic 2022, Part 1 - Redesigning midround rolls (Midrounds happen far more frequently now, and scale their power over time) by Mothblocks
(code bounty) The tram is now unstoppably powerful. it cannot be stopped, it cannot be slowed, it cannot be reasoned with. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW READY YOU ARE by Kylerace
Biddle Verbs: Queues the Most Expensive Verbs for the Next Tick if the Server Is Overloaded by Kylerace
Dynamic 2022, Part 1 - Redesigning midround rolls (Midrounds happen far more frequently now, and scale their power over time) by Mothblocks
(code bounty) The tram is now unstoppably powerful. it cannot be stopped, it cannot be slowed, it cannot be reasoned with. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW READY YOU ARE by Kylerace